Coordinator: EOSE, FR
- to raise ELF awareness and visibility of achievements within the EU fitness community
- to secure the commitment of a defined groups of stakeholders in synergy with other European fitness institutions to enhance the quality of the sector and recognition of skilled workers to improve employability and mobility
- successful exploitation of ELF in Europe.
1. The team will carry out a dissemination work plan following the guidelines provided by the leader: Schedule of tasks, deliverables, efforts, dates and responsibilities. Each partner will identify its own target group, main events and activities. The work plan will be updated in itinere according to news and events not known in advance
2. The team will develop simple messages and models (in the partners' languages) that may work in different contexts: press releases, newsletter, website
3. Since the first month, the consortium will design the web portal, containing innovative products and processes coming from previous projects on EQF in the fitness and sport sector available, the comparative study on the existing elearning analysed by the ELF consortium as well as encouraging their best use. This portal will also comprise the accomplishments coming from ELF providing access to e-learning material produced, during the project’s span and after its end, on EQF tools and recommendations
4. ELF team will present the project to its network, using English and national languages when required to be more effective (contents and level of technical details will depend on the nature of the target), using ICT tools, events, mailing list
5. ELF team will look for liaisons with other projects
6. ELF team will present the outcomes of the project and the elearning course, by a demonstration of its use in public events
7. The final conference will provide the basis for the ELF exploitation beyond the life of the project
8. Associated partners will benefit in the exploitation of results in their own countries.