WP5. Pilot testing e-learning

Coordinator: FIAF, IT


This WP aims at testing the effectiveness of elearning fitness with the contents created by WP4.


1. recruitment of at least 20 participants per core partner country to the pilot testing; 2. the participants will receive the password, instructions and contact for the tutor to whom they will refer; 3. the participants will be tested in itinere and will be asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire on the elearning pathway (quality of elearning materials, appropriate timeframe, user friendliness of the platform, efficacy of the practical portions, etc.). The results will be evaluated by the tutor and feedback will be sent to the WP leaders (WP3 and WP4); 4. the final examination will be effected in two parts: 1) theoretical knowledge will be tested online at a certified testing centre; 2) practical skills and competences will be tested at the accredited national VET Fitness centres. Each fitness learning centre (FIAF, SUS, Innopole, CYQ, NTC, Ovidius University, Sectorfitness, ESDRM, EFAA, MEHFA, Comenius University, and LKKA) in the core partner group will provide at least 20 participants to be divided between new learners and current instructors in each of the elearning modules. Each partner will supply the elearning tutor for the pilot as well as managing the national register (WP6). Two virtual meetings will be organized in September 2012 for the ongoing of the WP5 and in June 2013 to discuss the exploitation of the WP5 results. A partner meeting will be organised in Germany to discuss WP5 and 6. The monitoring and evaluation of the work undertaken within this WP will be covered in WP7 and disseminated in WP8.